Pelvic floor muscles
Active pelvic floor muscles are very important to women and if poorly controlled, can lead to prolapse and loss of bladder or bowel control. Physiotherapists in continence management can assess your pelvic floor muscles and help you to regain control if necessary.
Signs of poorly controlled pelvic floor muscles:
leaking urine when sneezing, coughing, running, and laughing (or other sudden actions)
not getting to the toilet in time
tampons don’t stay in place
vaginal or anal wind (flatus) when bending and lifting
bulging felt at the vaginal opening (prolapse)
difficulty emptying the bowel completely.
You need special attention if you:
are pregnant or a new mother
are menopausal
lift heavy objects often
suffer from constipation
are overweight
cough frequently
have low backache
go to the toilet often to pass small amounts of urine.
If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms and need to regain control of your pelvic floor muscles, it is important that you have your condition assessed by a physiotherapist.